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President Samuelsen Reports on the Resumption of Contract Negotiations

Interrupted for nearly a year by Hurricane Sandy, Joe Lhota’s disappearing act and the delayed emergence of Tom Prendergast as the new head of the MTA, Local 100 officers finally met face-to-face with the MTA in formal contract negotiations on Monday, Sept. 30, 2013. The MTA told the union that $2 billion in “found” money is theirs, not ours.


From the Transport Workers Union of America channel on Vimeo.


Here are highlights from the second day of the Transport Workers Union of America's 24th Constitutional Convention.

Lombardo, Samuelsen Take the Helm at TWU International

The Transport Workers Union of America has a new leadership team that is energized and eager to bring back the fighting spirit of founder Michael J. Quill. Voting to elect Harry Lombardo as International President, John Samuelsen as International Executive Vice President, and Gary Maslanka as Administrative Vice President, Alex Garcia as Secretary-Treasurer, and John Bland also as an Administrative Vice President were delegates representing transit workers in rail, airlines, and surface and subway transit systems in nearly all 50 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.

We'll be posting additional coverage of the convention as well as John's acceptance speech shortly.

In addition, the 13 International Vice Presidents elected are: Pat Bowden, Charles Cerf, Mike Conigliaro, Dale Danker, Sean Doyle, Garry Drummond, Jerome Lafragola, Tom Lenane, Carl Martin, Thom McDaniel, Curtis Tate, Tony Utano and James Whalen.

The 40 members elected to the International Executive Board are: Matthew Ahern, Bedennia Barnes, Richard Boehm, Jon Bradford, Dellissa Brown, Joe Carbon, John Chiarello, Brian Clarke, Latonya Crisp-Sauray, Ralph Darnell, Richard Davis, Derrick Echevarria, John Feltz, Fred Fink, Todd Gage, Angel Giboyeaux, Amy Griffin, Jim Guido, Kevin Harrington, Maurice Jenkins, Horace Marves, Don May, Mike Mayes, John Menshon, Vincent Modaferi, Ben Morgan, Tom Murray, J.P. Patafio, John Plowman, Dan Rivera, Richard Rocco, Gary Shults, Kevin Smith, Audrey Stone, Dane Strickoff, Robert Taylor, Luis Ventura, David Virella, Clarence Washington and Eric Williams.

CTA Felicia Williams Nominated as Hometown Hero

Station Cleaner Felicia Williams, who tailed a mugger out of a station and got him apprehended, has been nominated as a Hometown Hero in Transit. Read the full Daily News story here

The Hometown Hero Awards, sponsored by the New York Daily News in partnership with TWU Local 100 and the MTA, honors bus and subway workers for extraordinary efforts on behalf of riders and the city.

Do you have a co-worker who should be nominated? Email or write to P.O. Box 5047, New York, NY 10274. Include the name and title of the nominee and the reason why recognition is deserved. Include your own contact info as well.

Letitia James, Promising to Empower Women, Powers Into Advocate Runoff with the Help of TWU Local 100

Councilwoman Letitia James, in runoff contention for Public Advocate against State Senator Dan Squadron, has the enthusiastic support of TWU Local 100. At City Hall, the Union's Recording Secretary, LaTonya Crisp-Sauray, pledges our support to get out the vote on October 1.

Safety Director for Subways Tom Carrano marches with the OWS crowd holding a Union sign
Safety Director for Subways Tom Carrano marches with the OWS crowd holding a Union sign

TWU Joins in March for Transit Justice on 2nd Annniv of Occupy Wall Street

A crowd of hundreds of activists marched from Dag Hammarskjold Plaza near the United Nations to Chase Bank and then to MTA HQ on Madison Avenue, winding up at Bryant Park. The march -- on the second anniversary of Occupy Wall Street -- was designed to bring more public attention to the need for a Robin Hood Tax, which would impose a small "transaction tax" on Wall Street trading, freeing more than $500 billion which could be used for human needs, including free education and "building a green grid that would create millions of jobs." TWU members marched to bring attention to the need for a contract as well as the need for transit justice -- more mass transit to green the environment and provide opportunity and mobility for more New Yorkers.

TWU Retirees Share Great Food, Dancing, and Memories at Verdi's

An enjoyable night was had by all at Verdi's of Whitestone on September 13th, as the TWU Local 100 Retirees Association hosted former International President and TWU Local 100 President Sonny hall and a banquet hall full of guests. In the photo, with Brother Hall (in blue jacket) is Retirees Association Director Mike Tutrone and, to his right, Bob Mawhinney, former Chair of Quill Depot. at left is John Musco, former Chair of MOW. We'll have more photos later on the site as well in the union's publication, the Transport Workers Bulletin. About to retire? You can contact the Retirees Association here.

African-American Day Parade Brings Out TWU Members, MC, Float & Vintage Bus

Dozens of TWU Local 100 members, including an attention-getting phalanx of motorcycles from the Buffalo Soldiers club, to which many union brothers and sisters belong, graced the annual African-American Day Parade on September 15 in Harlem. At a VIP breakfast before the event, Local 100 Secretary-Treasurer Earl Phillips and Recording Secretary LaTonya Crisp-Sauray were recognized as supporters of the event. We provided plenty of music and got the crowd dancing before stepping off to join the march at around 1:30. Local 100 members showed solidarity to fellow workers in FDNY, Sanitation, NYPD, and Correction. The weather and the spirits could not have been better. 

As We Remember 9/11, Zadroga Act Deadline Nears

Of the thousands of transit workers who responded to Ground Zero and spent weeks and months on the pile, many have not registered in order to file a claim with the compensation fund established by Congress under the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. The fund is for responders and survivors who were injured or made ill from the attacks on the World Trade Center or the rescue and recovery effort. Even those who are enrolled in the WTC health program for medical monitoring or treatment still need to register with the victim fund if they were injured and want to be compensated. You can go to this link to register. The deadline is Oct 3.

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