More Than $200,000 in Scholarship Aid to be Provided to TWU Members

The TWU International Michael J. Quill Scholarship has been extended until May 24th. Your child has to be a high school senior. This is the only time that you can apply. A total of 15 students will be awarded $4,800 scholarships ($1,200 per school year). The student can complete section A of the application. Section B must be signed by the member and their pass number goes on the Union Member # line. Section D has to be scanned and sent to the student's guidance counselor or assistant principal. Once those sections are completed, they should be emailed to me: I will complete section C.

The M3 Technology TWU Local 100 Scholarship deadline is May 31. This is unique from most scholarship in that members, members' spouses, their children and grandchildren are all eligible. Only one application per student is accepted unless both parents are Local 100 members or yours is a second-generation Local 100 household. Last year, we gave away $88,000 in scholarships. This year we will give away $100,000 in M3 Technology Local 100 scholarships.

The RGLZ TWU Local 100 Scholarship is a brand new program that was built to mirror the M3 Technology Scholarship. We will give away $25,000 in RGLZ/TWU Local 100 scholarships this year

Once completed, the M3 Technology TWU Local 100 and the RGLZ TWU Local 100 Scholarship applications should also be mailed to me at:
The winners are selected randomly by lottery.