Annual Open Enrollment to Begin for Active Members
The annual Open Enrollment period for health benefits for active members at TA/OA/MTA Bus is upon us.
The MTA Business Service Center has mailed out Open Enrollment booklets and their teams, together with reps from Empire and UHC, will be visiting more than 40 locations throughout the system to answer questions from now through Nov 14, the day before Open Enrollment ends for active members.
The schedule of visits is here.
As well as visits to barns, yards, shops, depots and quarters, there will also be three system-wide events:
Tuesday, November 4 at the Union Hall, 10am-12 & 2-4pm
Friday, November 7 at 2 Broadway, 12-4pm
Friday, November 14 at 180 Livingston, 8:30am-5pm
If you have questions about your health coverage, this is your chance to get them answered.
Dental and vision benefits will not be covered in the BSC's Open Enrollment. These benefits are now administered by TWU Local 100. Active members who wish to change their dental coverage may do so through November 17. The forms for doing so are available here.