Breast Cancer Awareness Month Kicks Off at Union Hall
OCTOBER 1 -- Local 100 Recording Secretary LaTonya Crisp wore a bright pink ensemble to welcome union officers and rank and file members to our kickoff event for breast cancer awareness month. Our fund drive, organized by Bronx Bus Operator Tonya Thompson, is now in full gear and members are invited to donate and walk for the American Cancer Society on October 20th in Orchard Beach, the Bronx. The annual event raises awareness and funds for breast cancer patients in the New York area, including free or reduced accommodations for families whose loved ones are facing cancer treatment. President Tony Utano welcomed American Cancer Society Community Development Manager Nitisha Moore and Senior Manager of Community Development Robert Fox to the union's kickoff. Administrative Vice President Nelson Rivera, who is battling lung cancer, shared at the event, as did President Utano, whose mother suffered from breast cancer. For more information, go to the union's page for donations here.