Local 100 Wins Arbitration on MABSTOA Pick
Important Update
Just before the close of business today (Friday, Aug. 9, 2013), Impartial Arbitrator Richard Adelman ruled in Local 100's favor over pick procedures in MABSTOA. As a result, the scheduled MASTOA pick will be conducted in the same manner as in the past. This is a milestone in preserving the right of our members to pick, and the ability of the union to safeguard members’ pick rights.
Members should contact their depot Chairs for more information on the status of the pick.
Our bus officers unanimously cheered Adelman's decision.
The union bus officer corps turned out en masse for the arbitration. Among them were VP Brian Clarke (MaBSTOA), VP JP Patafio (TA Surface), and Recording Secretary LaTonya Crisp-Sauray. [photo: Richie Rivera]