Political Leaders: TWU Veterans Influential in Budget Victory
Some of New York State's most prominent politicians gave credit to the Union's political action achievements in supporting veteran's legislation that has led to a tentative budget deal in Albany. For the past two year, Local 100's Veterans Committee, spearheaded by RTO VP Kevin Harrington, has pushed for legislation that would have allowed US servicemen and women -- without regard to where they served --- buy back up to three years's pension credit. Governor Cuomo vetoed the bill twice - but has now signaled his intent to include the same provisions in next year's NYS Budget. At our Veteran's Appreciation NIght, Assemblyman Peter Abbate, State Sen. Martin Golden, and Brian Maher, chief aide to Assemb. William Larkin, Jr., the prime sponsor of the Veteran's bill, lavished praise on Local 100 as staunch fighters and advocates for all veterans. The video shows the cameraderie in the room and the strong alliance we have built with the legislators.