VP Tony Utano at “Welcome Back” Breakfast for School Bus Members

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 – Local 100 Vice President Tony Utano, School Bus Division Chair Gus Mohgrabi, Organizing Director Frank McCann and other Division officers were on hand for a “Welcome Back” breakfast meeting for School Bus members at the TWU satellite office on Saw Mill River Rd. in Yonkers. Special guest Corazon Pineda Isaac (center, in white blouse), who just won the contested primary election, with TWU’s support, for the Yonkers City Council's Second District by 146 votes, dropped by to say “thank you” and to wish the members a great school year. Also joining us was another big supporter of the TWU, Assemblywoman Shelly Mayer (at right, in yellow, next to Brother Utano) who has been the driving force behind our fight for earned sick leave in Westchester County. Councilwoman Pineda attended our Westchester Family Day picnic and we look forward to a productive partnership with her in promoting legislation which benefits working people in Yonkers.