At an educational breakfast hosted by TWU Local 100 at our union hall in downtown Brooklyn, New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli re-emphasized his commitment to keeping State pension money in defined benefit plans and said his office is exploring new ways to increase retirement security for all New Yorkers. The event, coordinated by TWU Political Action Director Marvin Holland and his team, brought together Brooklyn clergy and small business owners to hear DiNapoli and other leaders including TWU Local 100 President John Samuelsen, Treasurer Earl Phillips, and NYC Central Labor Council head Vinnie Alvarez. In remarks to the audience, DiNapoli said that New York State's retirement system, of which he is the sole trustee, had a 13% rate of return on investments last year. "When people say that public pensions are unsustainable, it's just not true," he said. He received big applause for fighting to keep the retirement system's pension funds paying out defined benefits to pensioners, rather than converting them to 401 (k) type plans in 2012. He noted that defined benefit plans help retirees cope with market downturns, whereas 401 (k)'s can get wiped out by market fluctuations.
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