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Two Transit Assault Cases Tried on Same Day; Union Calls on DA to Up Charges

THURSDAY, MARCH 7 – Local 100 President Richard Davis and Stations VP Robert Kelley faced off against  Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg at Manhattan Criminal Court this morning.

News reporters converged on Manhattan Criminal Court for the trials of two men accused of assaulting transit workers. The hearings in adjacent courtrooms underscored the newly dangerous climate affecting our members.

Mohammed Abdellahi is facing charges of assault in the second degree for attacking Station Agent Noreen Mallory on February 20th, resulting in the fracturing of her eye socket. In his case, the District Attorney’s office is asking for two years in prison. In the other case, Rashon Eagle is facing charges of attacking Bus Operator Moses Adams with a knife on February 10th while he was operating an M15 bus. The DA is asking for five years’ prison time and five years’ supervised release in that case.

“Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg should at least give the full penalty of 7 years,” President Davis said. “To classify an attempted murder as Assault in the 2nd degree with a penalty of five years is wrong. For a man to bludgeon the face of a Station Agent – how could they offer only two years?”

“The DA is taking our lives for granted. The court has to support our membership. The law says seven years – but that’s not enough. This is attempted murder!”

Stations VP Robert Kelley said: “Ms. Mallory is not here because she is fearful of coming into the subway system. Now it’s time for the court to support us. This guy [Abdellahi] is an immigrant. Now you’re going to give him two years? The recommended full penalty is seven years.

“With a difference of three seconds [when a train was entering the station and Station Agent Mallory was thrown against it] we would be at a funeral, not the courthouse. We are telling the DA: we mean business. Our members bring you to work. Fight for the MTA workers. Stand by us.”

Davis noted that no MTA official attended the court hearings today. “Judges and prosecutors have to support us,” he added. “MTA CEO Janno Lieber does not support us. Our members’ lives are valuable.”

New hearing dates in the two cases have been scheduled, May 23rd for Eagle and May 30th for Abdellahi.

Union Commends Law Enforcement Surge; Calls for Additional Measures

MARCH 6, 2024 -- President Richard Davis issued the following statement today:

TWU Local 100 welcomes today’s announcement by NYS Governor Kathy Hochul increasing the numbers of MTA Police and members of the National Guard within the subway system – something that the Union has aggressively and persistently advocated for months since the recent rapid increases in violent crime and horrific assaults on its workers.

“Public safety must be the very first priority in our transit system for both riders and workers. We welcome Governor Hochul's focus today on the direct attacks on transit workers, including the brutal slashing of Conductor Alton Scott, and her calling on judges to indict the perpetrators of these crimes,” said Richard Davis, President of TWU Local 100. “I also want to thank Mayor Adams for working closely with TWU Local 100 on this issue."

"But let us be clear. We will not be pacified."

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President Davis Speaks on Congestion Pricing at MTA Public Hearing

MARCH 4 – Appearing before the MTA Board in a public comment period on the issue of the forthcoming congestion pricing plan, TWU Local 100 President Richard Davis said the MTA had failed to deliver on more transit service before rolling out congestion pricing.

“We need more transit service to persuade more New Yorkers to use the transit system. That’s the bottom line,” he said.

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Healthcare Update: Letter from New York Presbyterian

Some members may have received an email from NY-Presbyterian about their negotiations with Aetna. This is not unusual, and only applies to members seeing providers at NYP.

We want to keep you informed about the ongoing negotiations between Aetna and NY-Presbyterian. These negotiations are a standard part of the process, aimed at securing the best possible health plan for you. We've been in discussions with the MTA,  Aetna, and NY-Presbyterian, emphasizing the importance of not disrupting your healthcare access. In the past, similar disputes have been resolved without any interruption to your coverage, and we are hopeful for a similar outcome this time.

Here's what you need to know:

  • Until April 1, 2024, your coverage remains unchanged. There will be no impact on your ability to receive care at NY-Presbyterian facilities.
  • In the event that the contract expires at the end of March, Aetna has policies in place to ensure continuity of care.
  • Under the Transition of Care (TOC) policy, certain ongoing medical treatments will be covered at the preferred level of benefits. Individuals undergoing treatment for serious illnesses can also apply for approval to continue their care under the TOC policy.
  • If the contract expires, NY-Presbyterian providers will be considered out-of-network for all other services, . To receive in-network benefits, you will need to choose providers within the Aetna network.

We remain optimistic that Aetna and NY-Presbyterian will reach an agreement before any changes are necessary. As we approach the middle of March, we'll have a better idea of how the negotiations are progressing. At that point, we will advise you further on any necessary actions regarding your healthcare providers. Your health and well-being is a top priority.

If you have any questions or concerns contact your union rep or call Aetna at 1-855-824-5349

Union Briefs Media on Conductor Slashing; Calls for Deployment of MTA Police

FEBRUARY 29 – At a press conference today on the site of a brutal stabbing which came close to costing the life of a New York City Transit Conductor, TWU Local 100 President Richard Davis demanded more uniformed presence from the MTA Police to provide safety for the transit workforce.

Early this morning, Conductor Alton Scott was slashed in his throat while operating in his cab. The injury was potentially life-threatening, requiring 34 stitches at Brookdale hospital.

The union believes that police need to be specifically positioned in front of Conductor cabs to safeguard train crews. After an earlier surge in subway crime, police presence was reduced due to funding that expired. Mayor Adams has recently increased police availability in the system by moving to 12-hour shifts.

The Union pointed out that the MTA’s own police force is available to provide additional security.

After the 3:40 AM incident, RTO Vice President Canella Gomez initiated a contract provision known as the Safety Dispute Resolution Process, which was negotiated by TWU Local 100 as part of our 2002 contract. It mandates a process to be followed in the event of an imminent safety hazard. Once that is invoked, work is held in abeyance pending a response from management. Meanwhile, the assailant remained at large in the transit system.

President Davis said, “There was no union-issued slowdown. We are allowed to initiate safety procedures on behalf of our members.”

“An attempted murder was committed this morning, not just a slashing. We are confident that the NYPD will catch this assailant. But MTA Chairman Janno Lieber has his own police force that can be re-assigned in the subway system to protect Conductors and Station Agents. Right now that can be done.”

“When I saw the picture [of Alton Scott] this morning, my heart dropped. I had tears in my eyes. There was no way for him to control what happened, as he was pulling out of the station. We need more to be done by everyone – the MTA has to do their part to protect our members from workplace violence.”

TWU Local 100 Safety Advisory

Conductor Slashed in Vicious Attack; Davis Calls for Deployment of MTA Police

FEBRUARY 29 -- In the early hours of this morning, Alton Scott, 59, a dedicated New York City Transit Conductor with 24 years of service, was brutally assaulted while on duty at the Rockaway Avenue subway platform on the A-line at Fulton Street, Brooklyn. Mr. Scott was making routine observations from the cab window of his train when he was viciously slashed in the neck at about 3:40 AM. This heinous act of violence highlights the urgent need for increased safety measures to protect our essential transit workers. Scott was transported to Brookdale Hospital Medical Center where he received 34 stitches to a gaping wound, including 25 to the deep end, and another nine sutures to help close it up.

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Car Inspector's Appeal for His Cancer-Stricken 3 Year-Old

FEBRUARY 21 -- Car Inspector Oleksander Bordun of the Coney Island Overhaul Pneumatic Shop, has started a gofundme for his 3 year-old son, Alex, who is dying of brain cancer. His prognosis is grim and the family is struggling with medical bills. Pneumatic Shop Shop Steward Dmitriy Agranovskiy is reaching out to TWU members in the hope that we will contribute. The link to the gofundme is here.

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Big Wins for School Bus Drivers, Monitors

FEBRUARY 17 — TWU Local 100’s just concluded contract negotiations with two school bus represented properties — First Student of Greenwich, CT and White Plains Bus Co. — have resulted in major gains for our Bus Drivers and Monitors. Gus Moghrabi, Division Chair for our school bus properties, reports that pay for these members are now the highest in the Northeast in the school bus industry. Along with the wage increases comes additional guaranteed paid hours for both titles, and no givebacks.

Members voted overwhelmingly for both contracts, with tallies of 256 Yes to 7 No for White Plains Bus Co. and 117 Yes to 0 No votes at First Student of Greenwich. A strike at First Student was narrowly averted by the contract settlement.

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Union Calls on MTA Chair Lieber to Act After Brutal Assault on Station Agent


FEBRUARY 16 -- One of our Station Agents was brutally assaulted inside the Wall Street subway station along the 4/5 lines during the morning rush hour. The alleged assailant, Abdellahi Mohammed, attacked the worker while she attempted to rouse him from sleeping under a bench.

The incident involved punching, kicking, and shoving the worker, prompting outrage from TWU Local 100 President Richard Davis, who vehemently criticized MTA CEO Janno Lieber, emphasizing his failure to ensure workers' safety: “Janno Lieber needs to wake up and do his job. Our workers deserve better protection. We won't tolerate being endangered while simply trying to do our jobs,” Davis said.

The public's swift intervention to aid the MTA worker during the assault deserves commendation as it underscores New Yorkers' collective responsibility for safety and solidarity in the transit system. The original bail set for these heinous actions was a disgraceful $5,000. Stations Vice President Robert Kelley demanded that the bail for the perpetrator be raised to $20,000 and it was done.

Transport Workers Union Local 100 will be holding a press conference next week demanding justice -- serious consequences for the perpetrator that match the severity of the crime, and robust measures to fortify the safety of transit workers.


ABC interviews Pres. Davis; also Station Agent who Intervened at Mt. Eden Shooting

After gunfire rang out at the Mt. Eden subway station on February 13, panicked riders reached out for help. ABC Reporter NJ Burkett interviewed Station Agent Abdul Hussein, who assisted one woman who was shot, summoning help. Burkett also interviewed Local 100 President Richard Davis on the urgent need for a greater police presence on the platforms.


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