JANUARY 15 -- On this day, we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., with an excerpt from his address at the TWU’s 11th Constitutional Convention — 1961
"TWU Local 100 Local 100 Local 100– A Union of Minorities No doubt the special depth that typifies your Union springs from the fact that you are virtually a Union of minorities, because I understand your membership is largely made up of Irish, Italians, Negroes and Jews. Each of these minorities had to pursue a struggle for equality as a people. This heritage you are able to understand more clearly, than others—the goals and methods of the Negro’s present-day fight for freedom. Negroes who are now beginning their march from the dark and desolate midnight of discrimination can find from you inspiration and lessons for the hard-road still ahead. But though we have a multitude of problems, we cannot be unmindful of new problems confronting labor. Toward these problems we are not neutral, and certainly not indifferent, because they are our problems as well."
Click here to read the complete address by Dr. King.